India In Chaos


Today I will tell you how we can still make our country happy and prosperous. It is a universal truth that any society or country in the world can become prosperous and happy just by identifying and making optimum use of its resources and then running the country through professionals and experts involving all the people of the land.

These resources are; primary resources (agriculture), secondary resources (industry), tertiary resources (service sector) especially our tourism, natural resources (metals, minerals, oils and gas) and our mammoth resource of human force. If we are able to identify them and make optimum use then there can be no reason why we shall not be able to pull our suffering people out of wails to a happy and glorious tomorrow and one day place our country amongst the most prosperous and powerful nations in the world.

Part III of the book provides road maps and guidelines how the same can be accomplished through a responsible and accountable system of governance.

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According to me Good governance is like a good mother who works hard for her living and rearing her children. The children also cling to her in affection because they know their mother was doing her best to take care of them. My present attempt is to find out that mother for the people of India. Since establishing the government is a subject matter of the Constitution and Judiciary is the Custodian of the Constitution and responsible for its implementation, the book attempts to bring it to the notice of the Judiciary to establish a governance that is sensitive to human sufferings and capable of fulfilling the basic objectives of the Constitution.

(Worthy and sensitive guardians to implement the Constitution)


These objectives are:
'Economic freedom',
'Liberty' and 'Dignity',
'Equal status and opportunity' and

Judiciary is our ultimate guardian and responsible for the implementation of the Constitution.

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